Hands typing on a laptop keyboard with a red water bottle, a pencil, and a blue notebook labeled "The University of Kansas" on a wooden table.

Center for Flexible Learning through Innovations in Technology & Education (FLITE)

Our Mission

The mission of FLITE is to identify, create, and integrate innovative technologies in education, including teacher education and educational settings, to impact practices that impact learning and performance outcomes. The center ensures synergistic collaboration across disciplines within and outside of education to include university, industry, district, and school-based partnerships. The center will focus on innovative technological practices to support students, teachers, and faculty members be more efficient and effective in ensuring positive outcomes. 

Learn more about FLITE

FLITE Resources

A group of individuals seated at a table in a classroom setting, facing a presenter who is gesturing towards a whiteboard. The whiteboard contains written words that appear to be part of a business or marketing discussion, with terms like "Awareness," "Interest," "Trial/Consideration," "Purchase," "Repeat purchase," and "Referral." Faces of the individuals are obscured for privacy.

What We Do

Explore what we do and how we achieve our goals.
An indoor meeting with a group of individuals seated in a circle.

Who We Serve

Learn more about the population served by FLITE.
Project Raise


Discover the work done by FLITE.
A woman guides a young woman on a laptop in an office, with both focused on the screen.

AI and Education

Learn how FLITE embraces AI by challenging the status quo.
KU's Fraser Hall in front of a sunset

Our Process

At FLITE, we embrace challenges by doing what no one else has tried yet. We take risks with the goal of innovating and transforming the educational landscape. We are also supportive of sharing equipment, ideas, grant submissions, and any other ideas aligned with our mission and vision.

Practical Access Podcast

In this podcast, we take a fun and informal look at "practical" solutions from teachers, parents, and people with disabilities.
Yellow graphic featuring the text "Practical Access with Dr. Lisa Dieker and Dr. Rebecca Hines" over a background of educational tools. At the bottom, logos for UCF College of Community Innovation and Education and KU FLITE are displayed, along with the text "Practical Advice in Education."

Contact Us

Looking for more information about FLITE? We look forward to hearing from you!